This post will show you how to get rid of asthma with natural remedies. Below are some of the most effective alternative asthma remedies and ways to get rid of asthma fast. Grandma Recipe For Asthma Treatment This recipe was made by Maria Treben and is surprisingly effective for asthma relief. Home Remedy For […]
Category: Diseases A- Z
Facts About Asthma
What Is Asthma About Asthma is a chronic, long-term inflammatory disease of the airways, the tubes that carry air into the lungs. These tubes get inflamed, which causes the narrowing of the airways so the air can’t pass thru freely. When this happens, it causes wheezing and breathlessness, also known as asthma attacks. Signs And […]
Treatment For Cardiac Arrhythmia: 6 Natural Remedies For Heart Arrhythmia
Herbs For Cardiac Arrhythmia: Hawthorn Berry Benefits What Is Hawthorn Berry Hawthorn is one of the most used herbs for diseases of the heart, such as arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, chest pain, and blood pressure problems. Crataegus or Hawthorn is also great for high cholesterol and for lowering fats in the liver and the […]
Arrhythmia Diet
Mediterranean Diet For Heart Health A Proper diet such as Mediterranean and diets designed to support a healthy heart is necessary to reduce arrhythmia! Studies showed that eating more potassium, fiber and complex carbohydrates, more garlic and onions and increased intake of magnesium lower symptoms of arrhythmia. It’s advisable that salt should be removed from the […]
Arrhythmia: Causes, Symptoms, Types, and Treatment
What Is An Arrhythmia Cardiac arrhythmia, also known as arrhythmia or heart arrhythmia is a group of conditions in which the heartbeat is irregular. In the case of arrhythmia, it beats too fast or too slow. 100 beats per minute or more is called tachycardia and beats below 60 are called bradycardia. Types Of Heart […]
10 Natural Remedies For Anxiety And Depression
How To Overcome Anxiety And Depression Anxiety And Depression can be treated successfully with natural remedies, breathing exercises, meditation, and regular physical activity. Despite the fact that these two conditions can seriously affect individual life, there is always hope. We have the power to control our minds… HOW? Simple…Ok…let me tell you a story: There […]
Anxiety And Depression Symptoms
What Is Anxiety And Depression Anxiety and Depression are not the same but people with depression often experience symptoms similar to those of an anxiety disorder, such as nervousness, irritability, and problems sleeping and concentrating. What Is Anxiety Disorder ANXIETY is an emotion characterized by a sense of doubt and vulnerability about future events. The […]
Natural Alzheimer Treatment: Top 18 Natural Remedies For Alzheimer’s Disease
Mushrooms For Alzheimer’s Disease A new study claims that mushrooms could prevent AD. Mushrooms contain bioactive compounds that could play a role in reducing the development of neurodegeneration. Previous evidence has proven that mushrooms exhibit antioxidant, antitumor, antivirus, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anti-diabetic activities. According to researchers, mushrooms with anti-inflammatory properties may be used as functional […]
Alzheimer’s Disease: Everything You Need To Know
Alzheimer’s Disease ( AD ) Alzheimer’s disease (AD ) is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that usually starts slowly and worsens over time. It is the cause of 60- 70 % of dementia. Symptoms Of Alzheimer’s Disease As the disease advances, Alzheimer’s early symptoms can include problems with language, disorientation(including easily getting lost), mood swings, loss […]
Top 23 Natural Acne Remedies
How To Get Rid Of Acne Acne or pimples can be treated effectively with the following natural remedies for acne. Natural Acne Treatment doesn’t cause side effects and is suitable for almost everyone. Below are some of the most effective acne remedies and acne products that actually work: Aloe Vera For Acne Aloe Vera has […]