Natural Remedies For Cold

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What Remedies For Cold

Ok…We all know the feeling of having a common cold. An annoying situation that leads to a question of what is the best remedy for cold. The use of antibiotics is not recommended, but we can cure cold fast with home remedies for a common cold. Below is a description of some of the best remedies for cold. What Is The Best Treatment For A Cold? Treat Cold Naturally with Herbal Remedies For Cold…

The Best Cold Remedy: Yarrow Benefits

Yarrow For Treating Cold

What Is Yarrow Used For

Yarrow or Achillea millefolium has many benefits for our health. Indians used yarrow for treating colds, fever conditions, and as a digestive aid.

Yarrow Medicinal Uses

It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial benefits. It reduces pain and relaxes circulation, it is an anti-catarrhal and mild sedative. Due to its sedative effects, it helps to improve relaxation during illness and is helpful in shortening the duration of the cold.

Yarrow is often combined with other herbs, such as echinacea, elderflower, ginger, and peppermint.

Yarrow Dosage For Treating Common Cold

  • make a cup of tea with 1 teaspoon ( 0.14 oz or 4 gr ) of organic Yarrow
  • drink this tea 3 times per day

Yarrow Tincture Dosage For Treating Common Cold

Cold Remedies That Work: Sage For Cold

Sage For Cold

What Is Sage Good For

Sage or Salvia officinalis is a natural cold remedy. It can help relieve colds, fevers, bronchitis, sinusitis, and catarrh ( inflammation of the mucous membranes ). Sage naturally increases sweating, which allows faster removal of toxins causing symptoms similar to cold.

Sage has been used for hundreds of years in folk medicine to treat a variety of different diseases.

Sage Herb Health Benefits

Research shows that sage is anti-microbial,  anti-viral, and reduces swelling in swollen lymph nodes, making it an effective remedy for colds.

Sage Dosage For Treating Common Cold

  • make a cup of tea with 1 teaspoon ( 0.1 oz or 3 gr ) of dried organic Sage
  • 3 times per day

Sage Tincture Dosage For Treating Common Cold

Cure For Common Cold: Echinacea For Cold

Echinacea For Cold

What Is Echinacea Used For

Preparations of the Echinacea ( E. angustolofia, E. pallida and E. purpurea ) are widely used for prevention and treatment of the common cold.

What Is Echinacea Good For

Laboratory studies of several distinct species of echinacea and its constituents have shown many immunological effects.

The University of Connecticut performed a meta-analysis study that evaluated 14 studies and determined that:

  • Echinacea reduces the chances of getting a cold by 58 percent.
  • Echinacea reduces the duration of the cold for almost a day and a half.

What Is In Echinacea

Echinacea preparations have compounds called phenols, which have antioxidant properties and are good for our health. It contains also alkamides ( effect on the immune system ), polysaccharides, glycoproteins, and caffeic acid derivatives.

Echinacea Dosage For Colds

  • make a cup of tea with 1 teaspoon of organic Echinacea Tea For Cold
  • 3 times per day

Echinacea Tincture Dosage For Treating Cold

Home Remedy For Common Cold: Elderflower Herb

Elderflower Herb: Best Remedy For Common Cold

What Is Elderflower Used For

Elderflower or Sambucus nigra is used to treat upper respiratory tract infections, fewer-related and blocked sinuses.

Elderberry For Colds

Elderberries have long been used for beverages. The latest research in Israel has found that commercial preparation of elderberries with a standardized amount of Anthocyanins- purple compounds, which give berries its color- help alleviate flu& cold symptoms and shorten infections. Israeli researchers assume that extract works in the way which changes the virus surface of the virus and prevents it to get anchored in the body.

Sambucus Elderberry Benefits

Herbalist elders such as Hippocrates, Dioscorides, and Pliny the Elder recognized its strength as a diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and more. New researches have confirmed some of these claims.

Elderberry With Echinacea?

If combined with other anti-cold herbs ( yarrow, sage, ginger, echinacea, peppermint ), elderflowers become even more powerful against cold, flu, and infections.

Elderflower Dosage For Treating Cold

  • make a cup of tea from 1-2 teaspoons of dried Elderflower
  • 3 times per day

How To Treat The Common Cold Fast? Drink Ginger Tea For Colds

ginger tea for colds


What Is Ginger Good For

Ginger or Zingiber officinale has been widely used as a folk medicine for centuries. It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, it acts as a cough suppressant and helps to stimulate perspiration, which cleanses the system and brings down the body temperature.

Is Ginger Good For Cold

Ginger is a natural antiviral, it helps to fight against illness and bacteria that causes cold. It contains compounds called sesquiterpenes which are specifically used to target rhinoviruses (the most common family of cold viruses). It acts as an antihistamine and decongestant that helps to ease colds symptoms.

Ginger Good For Cold

Due to its mild sedative effect, it helps to improve relaxation during illness and is helpful in shortening the duration of a cold. It is also a natural pain and fever reducer.


How To Use Ginger For Cold

Ginger Tea For Cold

Ginger Tea For Cold:

  • Grate or chop into small pieces about 1-inch of fresh organic GINGER ROOT into a cup ( or use one ginger tea bag ).
  • Pour 1 cup of boiling water over the ginger and let it steep for 3 minutes.
  • Drink this tea 3 times per day

It is advisable to add some freshly squeezed lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of ORGANIC HONEY! You can also add some cinnamon, cardamom, clove, lemongrass, Cayenne pepper…

Viral Ginger, Lemon, Honey Drink

  • Slice 2 fresh organic lemons
  • Grate or slice 2 pieces of fresh ginger  (about 3.93 in or 10 cm),
  • Put ginger and lemons in 12 oz mason jar and slowly pour honey over layers of ginger and lemon
  • Fill the jar to the top with honey and seal tightly
  • Take 1 tablespoon of ginger, lemon, honey drink- 3 times per day
  • This drink can be added to tea or taken orally
  • Store in the refrigerator
  • This batch can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 60 days

Ginger Soup For Cold


  • Unsalted butter – 3 tablespoons
  • Carrots – 1 ½ lbs (peeled and sliced thin)
  • White Onion – 2 cups (chopped)
  • Ginger – 1 tablespoon (minced)
  • Vegetable broth (or chicken stock) – 2 cups
  • Water – 2 cups
  • Orange Zest– 3 strips
  • Chives – (chopped, parsley, dill or fennel for garnish)
  • Salt – as per taste


  • Melt the butter and cook onions and carrots until they become soft for about 5 – 8 minutes.
  • Sprinkle a teaspoon of salt over it and add broth, water, ginger and the strips of orange zest.
  • Simmer, cover and cook until carrots become softer for about 20 minutes.
  • Remove the strips of orange zest.
  • Pour the soup into a blender bowl, adding salt as per taste.
  • Take out from the blender and garnish with chopped chives, parsley or fennel fronds.
  • Drink while hot.
  • Regular intake of soup helps to clear cold symptoms



Natural Antibiotics For Cold Relief: Benefits Of Garlic And Onion


Garlic And Onion For Cold Relief

Garlic As Natural Antibiotic

Garlic and Onion are two plants that contain compounds that can help your body’s natural defense system to fight off cold.  Those two plants have been used for centuries in natural medicinal traditions as cold and flu remedies. Among many health benefits, those two natural gifts are a perfect choice for a natural cold remedy.

Onion Natural Antibiotic

In- vitro studies revealed that garlic and onion contain compounds that can fight against many organisms, that cause diseases like a cold, flu, …

Garlic And Onion Benefits

Garlic and Onion help against colds and influenza also because it stimulates the activity of immune cells. Garlic and Onion are also a powerhouse natural antibiotic, antifungal, and antibacterial…both can save any illness.

How To Use Garlic And Onion For Treating Cold

  • Garlic for cold: 2 garlic cloves per day ( chop it and let it rest for 5 to 10 min, which allows the formation of a medicament active ingredient of allicin )
  • Onion for cold: 1 onion a day

There are many ways you can use garlic and onion. You can eat it raw, in salads, cooked, …with a little bit of imagination you can create recipes that will prevent you from getting sick or cure your cold. Some of the most commonly used garlic and onion recipes for cold:

Garlic- Onion Honey Cough Syrup

  • Slice 1 onion and 9 garlic cloves into half-moon slices
  • Place it into a pan and cover it with honey
  • Slowly warm the mixture until the onions and garlic become very soft
  • Store syrup in a glass jar in the refrigerator
  • Take 1 tablespoon, 3 times per day or 1 tablespoon a day for preventive

Onion Garlic Tea For Cold Relief

  • Slice 1/2 onion and 3 garlic cloves into small pieces ( ginger can be added to enhance the effect)
  • Boil a cup of water and stir in garlic and onion
  • Reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes
  • Remove from heat and let steep 10 minutes
  • Drink 3 cups of tea per day

Garlic Onion Soup For Treating Cold:

  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 2 cups chopped onions
  • 3/4 cup peeled garlic cloves (about 30)
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup half and half
  • 3 14 1/2-ounce cans low-salt chicken broth
  • 1/2 cup dry Sherry
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1 small bay leaf


  • Melt butter in a large pot over medium heat
  • Add onions and garlic
  • Cook until onions are tender but not brown, stirring occasionally, about 10 minutes
  • Add flour; stir 2 minutes
  • Add broth, half and half, Sherry, thyme, bay leaf and bring to boil
  • Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer uncovered until garlic gets very tender about 15 minutes
  • Discard bay leaf
  • Puree soup with bread in a blender until smooth
  • Season with salt and pepper

Natural Remedy For Cold: Green Walnut Husks


Green Walnut Husks Health Benefits


Green Walnuts Health Benefits

Young green walnut husks have always been known as a very powerful medicine. They contain very high vitamin C, iodine and other vitamins, but if you make a syrup with honey, you can prevent many diseases including cold. Young walnuts with honey rapidly strengthen the blood and help with problems with the liver, stomach, and heart. It will help you heal your thyroid because walnuts regulate its performance. Green walnuts also help to treat sore throat diseases in the respiratory tract. It also treats bronchitis, increases resistance, improves well-being, and rejuvenates the entire body.

Green Walnut Husks In Honey

  • 40 young green walnuts with a shell
  • 2.2 lbs or 1 kg of quality organic honey



  • Wash fresh young green walnuts and dry
  • Cut walnuts into quarters and pour them into a bigger glass
  • Fill the jar with honey and close it well
  • Leave the jar in a sunny place for one month and stir it daily
  • During one month period syrup will change color
  • After one month strain the syrup and store it in a glass jar in the refrigerator
  • Take 1 tablespoon, 3 times per day
  • This syrup can be stored up to 6 months

Home Remedies For Colds: Kefir Probiotic Drink


Kefir Probiotic Drink For Cold Relief

What Is Kefir Drink

MILK KEFIR is a fermented superfood packed with macronutrients ( proteins and fats ) and micronutrients ( vitamins and minerals ). It’s a probiotic-rich food capable of protecting the organism against colds and infections, it may help you breathe easier and supports a healthy pregnancy and oral health.

What Is Kefir Good For

It also boosts immunity, builds bone strength, potentially fights cancer, supports digestion and combats irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), improves allergies, heals skin and improves lactose intolerance symptoms.

Probiotics For Cold

A study reveals that probiotics found in kefir may reduce colds and flu. After an 18 month study, they concluded that probiotics Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium animalis can reduce symptoms of colds and flu and speed up recovery time.

Researchers have found that probiotic supplementation can reduce the severity and duration of colds and upper-respiratory infections.

Kefir Health Benefits

Adding kefir to your daily diet brings many health benefits in your life. Probiotics found in kefir are capable to prevent and even cure many diseases. Healthy gut results in healthy life, capable of preventing diseases such as colds and many others. Excessive use of antibiotics causes the killing of good bacteria in our gut. Imbalance in the gut causes a decline in the immune system and thus the onset of disease. It is therefore advisable to replace these bacteria, either in the form of food or dietary supplements. Kefir is one of the best foods you can include in your daily diet!

Start Making Your Own Kefir…It’s Simple And Cheap…One Of The Best Things You Can Do For Your Health!

Kefir Dosage For Treating Cold

9 Best Herbs For Cold

Chamomile Tea For Cold

1. Chamomile Tea For Cold


  • drink 3 cups of tea a day


2. White Horehound Tea

white horehound tea


  • drink 3 cups of tea a day


3. Thyme For Cold

thyme for cold


  • drink 3 cups of tea a day


4. Andrographis For A Cold

andrographis for cold


  • drink 3 cups of tea a day ( up to 0.21 oz or 6 gr of dried herb )
  • or take 20- 30 drops of Andrographis Tincture, 3 times a day


5. Astragalus For Colds

astragalus for colds

  • boil dry root ( 0.10- 0.35 oz or 3- 10 gr ) for 10 min in 3/4 cup of water
  • filter the tea and drink it divided into 2 doses, daily


6. Catnip For Colds

catnip for colds


  • drink 3 cups of tea per day


7. Hyssop Tea Benefits

hyssop tea benefits


  • drink 3 cups of tea per day


8. Oregano For Colds

oregano for cold


  • drink 3 cups of tea per day
  • take 20- 30 drops of tincture per day


9. Umckaloabo Root Extract

umckaloabo benefits


  • take 20- 30 drops of Umckaloabo Extract, 3 times a day


Wanna Learn More About Common Cold? Click Here


  1. The Complete Book of Herbs. Readers Digest, 2008.
  2. Evaluation of echinacea for the prevention and treatment of the common cold: a meta-analysis:
  3. Wikipedia

Disclaimer: All information presented on this website is for informational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This website is not intended for diagnosis, treatment, treatment or prevention of disease and is not intended for substitution treatment. This information is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare providers because of something you have read on Please seek the advice of a healthcare professional for your specific health concerns.

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