Natural Cancer Treatments: 9 Options To Consider

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Cure Cancer Naturally With Aloe Arborescens

Aloe Arborescens For Cancer

What Is Aloe Arborescens

Aloe Arborescens has a true arsenal of healthy substances, essential for good health, such as vitamins, proteins, amino acids, metals, minerals, enzymes, monosaccharide oils, polysaccharides, anthraquinone compounds,….Aloe Arborescens is superb for the immune system, gentle cleansing for the whole body, it promotes healthy blood and cardiovascular and colon system health.

Aloe Arborescens Father Romano Zago

The Aloe Arborescens Protocol has begun in Brazil and has been proven to be effective in advanced cancer patients. This protocol is designed to supercharge the immune system.

Father Romano Zago from Brazil, a Catholic priest developed the official protocol and wrote the book Cancer Can Be Cured ( recommended reading ).


Aloe Arborescens For Cancer

Father Romano Zago offered additional insights into the likelihood of success in the treatment of aloe and honey in a lecture held in Odivelas ( Portugal ). He drew the following conclusions, based on the cancer cures already witnessed:

  • Throat cancer, brain cancer, stomach cancer, intestinal cancer and cancer of the anus: numerous verified cures.
  • Lung cancer: this type of malignancy requires longer treatment in order to achieve a cure.
  • Liver cancer can be cured.
  • Prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, and leukemia are relatively easy to cure.
  • Lymphoma: among all types of cancers, this malignancy has proven the most difficult to cure, there are cases that have been healed.
  • Other diseases healed from the aloe & honey treatment include rheumatism, arthritis, ulcers, skin diseases, and more.

More than 1000 testimonials over the past 20 years speak of people reversing even advanced stages of cancer using the Aloe Arborescens father Romano Zaga recipe along with proper diet ( e.g. Budwig diet or Mediterranean diet) and supplementation.

Fr Romano Zago Recipe:

  • 0.77 lb ( 350 g )  of fresh Aloe Arborescens leaves
  • 1.1 lb ( 500 g ) of pure organic honey
  • 1.69 oz ( 50 ml ) of organic spirit 40% ( rum, grappa, whiskey, etc… )

How To Make Aloe Drink:

  1. Wash the Aloe Arborescens leaves and remove the thorns/spines. Cut into small pieces!
  2. Put the Aloe pieces, honey, and spirit in a blender.
  3. Blend it for at least 1 min
  4. Fill the syrup in a glass jar
  5. Keep the batch of syrup refrigerated

Aloe Drink:

  1. Before drinking the syrup, mix it with a wooden spoon or other non-metallic kitchen utensils
  2. Take 1-2 tablespoons of syrup, 3 times per day, a half-hour before meals
  3. One batch of syrup should last for 21 days or more! Empty the glass and take a 10-day break!


The 10-day break is important due to the aloe plant being very mildly toxic. In practice, it turned out that, with a 10-day break, the plant has no side effects. Medical monitoring is advised before, during and after the treatment to know if cancer still progresses, has been stabilized, diminishes, or has actually left. Only the results of such controls can determine the true state of cancer, not the subjective feeling of improvement that might be felt by the cancer patient. In some cases, several batches of syrup are required to achieve the desired results.

When taking the syrup is also advisable to eat plenty of healthy organic foods ( wasabi, cauliflower, garlic, onions, sprouts, beans, blueberries, turmeric, ginger, broccoli, chili, spirulina, chlorella, fresh fruits,..)  and avoid certain foods and additives( red meat, dairy products, refined sugar, trans fats, artificial coloring, chemicals, sweeteners,…) MORE ABOUT ROMANO ZAGO HERE

The Budwig Protocol For Natural Cancer Treatment


Budwig Diet For Cancer

Dr. Johanna Budwig discovered that many of the conventionally processed fats and hydrogenated oils were destroying the membranes of our cells, which caused diseased cells and toxicity.

Budwig Protocol Success Rate

The Budwig protocol is a specific diet, which was developed to counteract the cancer-causing process. Dr. Johanna Budwig claimed to have had over a 90 percent success rate with her protocol over a 50-year period!

Budwig Diet Protocol

Dr. Budwig discovered that consuming a mixture of flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, and cottage cheese had the best results. By replacing processed fats and oils with unsaturated/saturated fatty acids, your cells rebuild.



Budwig Protocol Benefits:

  • Cancer Treatment
  • Heals Skin Conditions( Psoriasis, Eczema,…)
  • Diabetes Improvement
  • Arthritis Improvement
  • Regulates Hormones
  • Heals Heart Disease
  • Improves Neurological Functions

Flaxseed And Cottage Cheese Budwig Protocol

Dr. Budwig Diet Plan:

  • Sauerkraut Juice And Fermented Foods
  • Cottage Cheese / Quark / Kefir Cottage Cheese / Fromage Blanc
  • Organic Fruit And Vegetables
  • Nuts, Dried Fruits, and Seeds ( Flaxseed,…)
  • Eggs
  • Herbs And Herbal Teas
  • Cold Pressed Flaxseed Oil or Extra Virgin Oils
  • Organic Whole Grains
  • Organic Pulses

What Foods To Avoid While On A Diet:

  • Sugar
  • Refined or Hydrogenated Oils
  • Dairy Product ( Except cottage cheese or quark and kefir )
  • Butter
  • Shellfish
  • Pork And Cold Meats
  • Refined Grains& Cereals
  • Coffees, teas, and Prepared Beverages ( Coffee contributes to pH acidity and is also damaging to the nervous system and kidneys. A Cancer patient should not drink it, and all teas should be herbal loose-leaf infusions, because tea bags and paper filters contain harmful chemicals, such as chlorine. )
  • Microwave Food
  • Food Cooked On Teflon
  • Avoid Aluminium Kitchen Utensils

How To Budwig Diet

Dr. Budwig pointed out that people who are suffering from the chronic or terminal disease should consume 4-8 tbs of Cold Pressed Flaxseed Oil daily!  People with cancer should take a higher dosage 6- 8 tbs daily! Cancer patients should start with 1 teaspoon at a time giving their body time to adjust. Cancer patients once starting the protocol and getting it under control must continue with a maintenance dose to prevent a recurrence. A maintenance dose is considered 1 tbs of the oil per 100 pounds of body weight. To see results it may take 3- 6 months in the event of cancer!

Dr. Budwig Diet Plan

“Within the framework of the Oil-Protein Diet for the unwell, a glass of sauerkraut juice is recommended in the morning and in the evening. Drinking freshly pressed vegetable and fruit juices throughout the day is also recommended. Concerning fruit juices, only pure and natural juices (without added sugar) should be selected. Avoid the sweet ciders. Firstly, it is essential that the unwell and diabetics alike consume the permitted amount of Flax Seed Oil or “OLEOLOX”* Later, a wheat-germ oil regimen can be added and a small glass of wine is always allowed. This diet offers complete nutrition and is especially recommended in preparation for physical exertion (jet for athletes).

Cancer-Fighting Breakfast:

For breakfast, Muesli should be consumed regularly. Put two tablespoons of LINOMEL* in a glass dish. Cover this with fresh fruit in season, (i.e.: berries, cherries, apricots, peaches, grated apples or fruit salad). Then prepare the cream with Quark and Flax Seed Oil. Flavor with nuts, lemon juice, bananas. This cream is put over the fruit as one would apply whipped cream. Then garnish with nuts, fruits, raisins, shredded coconut, etc. As a spread on bread, only OLEOLOX should be used (butter and margarine are not acceptable). Before noon, the heavy eater is allowed all types of cheeses with radishes, tomatoes, cucumber slices, etc., those who relish goose-fat with hard cheese will also enjoy OLEOLOX with hard cheese. Herb teas can serve as beverages, and the occasional cup of black tea is also permitted.

Budwig Protocol- Lunch

The midday meal should not include any meat. A raw vegetable salad is recommended as an appetizer. For oil, use either Flax Seed Oil on its own or in companion with pumpkin seed oil. ( The use of what is termed “salad oil” is strictly
forbidden). All types of lettuce may be used for the salad platter, as well as grated tubers, carrots, kohlrabi, radishes, comfrey
root, etc. It is important that the raw-food dish is eaten as an appetizer. For dessert, one can serve a Quark/Flax Seed Oil dish, as described in No. 1 to No, 16 recipes in the book THE OIL PROTEIN COOK BOOK. For lunch, all types of fresh vegetables can be used. OLEOLOX should only be added AFTER the vegetables have been boiled. Season well!

For the Unhealthy: Prepare mashed potatoes with OLEOLOX and a little milk. Serve cooked, unpeeled potatoes as early as possible. Buckwheat is highly recommended as a substitute for potatoes.

Cancer-Fighting Dinners

The evening meal should be very light and should be eaten early, around 6 pm. As an option, one can prepare a warm dish with rice, buckwheat, rolled oats, soya flakes, yeast flakes and other f lakes available at health food stores. Depending on one’s taste preferences, these dishes may be prepared as a soup or a stew and may be flavored with hearty sauces, added to the vegetable stock and served as a tasty soup, or Combined with sweet fruits. Fruits should preferably be eaten raw, possibly graced. For a tasty addition, health food stores offer good, pre-made, yet healthy soya spreads.” Budwig, J. (1994). The oil-protein diet cookbook. Vancouver, B.C.: Apple Pub. Co.

Dr. Budwig diet plan is available in her books. CHECK THEM OUT…

Sweet Wormwood And Cancer


Sweet Wormwood For Cancer

Sweet Wormwood For Cancer

Artemisia annua L. or sweet wormwood is well known to cancer patients as one of the best herbs to fight cancer! Many studies confirmed the efficacy of artemisinin, the compound found in sweet wormwood against cancer. With a combination of iron, artemisinin becomes even more powerful against cancer cells.

Sweet Wormwood Cancer Treatment

“Several studies show that flavonoids assimilation beverages treatments such as sweet wormwood tea might prevent, delay, or help to cure cancer. The latest investigations linked the influence of flavonoids with different enzymes involved in drug metabolism and in the chemical Carcinogenesis process.

Many studies show anti-cancer results analyzing different flavonoids, such as flavones and flavonols. In general, it has been shown that specific flavonoid compounds can inhibit specific cancer cell growth as well as cell proliferation.

Sweet Wormwood For Cancer

Sweet Wormwood With Iron

It’s proven, that artemisinin has anti-cancer activity because it contains an endoperoxide group. Artemisinin has a high anticancer activity due to its interaction with iron complexes in the blood. This shows that artemisinin derivatives induce apoptosis of cancer cells as well.”

The University of Washington has discovered that a special super-concentrated compound of sweet wormwood and iron can be over a thousand times more effective than chemo, without any side effects.

Another study found that sweet wormwood can kill up to 12,000 cancer cells for every 1 healthy cell it may affect. When paired with iron, sweet wormwood can eradicate cancer almost entirely in less than 16 hours. The herb used alone caused a 28% reduction in breast cancer cells!

Sweet Wormwood Uses For Natural Cancer Treatment

It is recommended to use all forms of sweet wormwood, tea, capsules, tinctures and essential oils.

  • Sweet Wormwood Capsule+ Iron Capsule – Take 1 wormwood capsule and 1 capsule of iron in the morning and repeat it before bed. It is recommended to continue for 6 days, the 7th day is a pause. After 3 weeks, take 1 week of break. The body becomes tolerant to artemisinin, that is why pause is necessary.
  • Sweet Wormwood Tea– Drink At Least 17 oz Of Tea Daily  ( Dip one tablespoon of tea mixture of leaves and flowers of sweet wormwood in 17 oz of water and leave to stand for 12 hours. Then heat up to 323°K and let it stand for 15 min and filter it).
  • Sweet Wormwood Tincture – Take 20-30 Drops 3 times per day
  • Sweet Wormwood Essential Oil– Steam inhalation 3 times per day for 10 min

Black Seed Oil For Cancer

Black Seed For Cancer

Black Seed For Cancer

According to several studies, black cumin seeds or Nigella Sativa seeds have beneficial effects on many diseases! It is effective against cancer in the blood system, lung, kidney, liver, prostate, breast, cervix, and skin.

Black Seed Cures Everything But Death

In folk medicine, it’s believed that Black cumin seed is a cure for all diseases!

Does Black Seed Oil Really Work

Studies have shown that a compound in black seeds Thymoquinone helps induce apoptosis (cell death) in leukemia cells. Other studies have shown this same effect in breast cancer cells, pancreatic cancer, cervical cancer, brain tumor cells, and oral cancer.

Black Seed Oil For Cancer

What Is In Black Seed Oil

There are three compounds in black seed oil that produce a tremendous benefit that researchers were very surprised to discover. The three compounds are thymoquinone (TQ), thymohydroquinone (THQ), and thymol. Scientists realized that all three compounds show 100% inhibition of 30 different pathogens that were evaluated! TQ was the best antifungal compound against dermatophytes and yeasts, and thymol was the best anti-fungal against mold.

What Is Black Seed Oil For

Black seed or Nigella Sativa also supports liver health, it helps to lower blood pressure, it helps prevent post-surgical scars, it may aid in weight loss, it guards against respiratory ailments, it can help diabetes patients and helps people recover from drug addictions!

Black Seed Dosage

  • Black Cumin Oil– Take 2 tablespoons 3 times per day
  • Black Seed Tincture– Take 20- 30 drops 3 times per day
  • Black Seed Oil Capsules: Up to 3 capsules per day

Vitamin B17 For Cancer


Vitamin B17 And Cancer

What Is Vitamin B17

The effect of vitamin B17 on cancer is still only described theoretically, although the results of its treatment are quite thoroughly researched. As early as 1902, John Beard, a professor of embryology at the University of Edinburgh, suggested to the medical public to treat malignant tumors and cancer using the effective use of ordinary enzymes, and not operations, chemotherapy, and irradiation. Although this theory had been rejected by cancer researchers, Krebs Jr. nevertheless incorporated this theory as one of the explanations for the mechanism of action for Laetrile against cancer cells as well. After many years of research, in the 1950s, a new vitamin was isolated and named B17 or laetrile. Because this “vitamin” is derived from the Prunus Amygdalus Rosacea family, it also carries the name of amygdalin.

Where To Get Vitamin B17 From

Vitamin B17 is found in natural foods containing nitriloside (especially in apricots, peaches, apples, cherries …).The richest in vitamin B17 are kernels of apricot (containing 2 to 3 percent), followed by bitter almonds, kernels of peaches, nectarines, cherries, plums, and apples. Small amounts of this vitamin are found in buckwheat, millet, some germs and grasses, bamboo shoots, many varieties of wild berries, macadamia and flax seeds, as well as in many other wild and crop plants that are today virtually wiped out of our every day Diet. Although it was isolated only seventy years ago, it was used in the West in the natural form for the treatment of cancer at least in 1843.

Appricot Kernels Vitamin B17 For Cancer

Vitamin B17 Banned

Banned by the FDA in the 1980s, however, some alternative practitioners use it for the treatment of cancer. While many experts believe that vitamin B17 laetriles are very effective for the treatment of cancer, most agree that it should not be primarily for the treatment of cancer.

Vitamin B17 And Cancer

Healthy cells contain a Rhodanese enzyme that neutralizes benzaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide in B-17. It transforms them into useful nutrient compounds, thiocyanate, and benzoic acid. Glucose transmits B-17 into cancer cells, but cancerous cells do not have Rhodanes to neutralize cyanide. Instead, they have an enzyme called Beta-glucosidase. This enzyme, which is found only in cancer cells, releases benzaldehyde and cyanide from glucose, one after the other, to produce a targeted poison that destroys the cancerous cell.

Vitamin B17 Benefits:

  • May Help Protect Against Cancer
  • It Boosts Immunity
  • It Reduces Pain
  • It Lowers High Blood Pressure

Vitamin B17 Cancer Cure Dosage

According to the practice of traditional healers, it’s recommended to eat 25-40 apricot kernels per day for disease prevention for 3 weeks, then after a week of break repeat the circle.! It’s recommended to start with small amounts, 3-5 apricot kernels per day, divided into 3 dosages every 8 hours. After one week double the dose. After that, the dose should be doubled every four days until the recommended dosage is ingested. If you experience side effects associated with symptoms of cyanide poisoning, such as vomiting, immediately stop taking it! According to the report in 2006( Committee on Toxicity ), a lethal dosage of cyanide is believed to be from 0.5 to 3.5 mg/ kg of body weight. In other words, for a man that weighs 175 pounds, the lethal dose is considered to be between 40- 280 mg or 80- 560 kernels per day. For a 140 pound woman, this means 32.5- 227.5 mg or 65- 455 kernels per day. Appropriate dosage varies from person to person, therefore talk with your doctor before starting this protocol.

Vitamin B17 Side Effects: 

Some serious warnings to consider when interacting with vitamin B17 include the fact that in some cases they can drastically reduce blood pressure and also cause blood thinning. Therefore, you should never use it with other blood pressure medications or recipes known to thin blood. It is also not recommended to take vitamin B17 with probiotics, as probiotics can increase the effects of cyanide and cause cyanide poisoning in some rare cases.

Many cases show that vitamin B17 is usually well-tolerated and doesn’t cause toxicity. Some patients experience side effects associated with symptoms of cyanide poisoning. CHECK THE OFFER HERE

Ginger And Chili For Killing Cancer


Ginger And Chili For Killing Cancer

Kills Cancer Cells Naturally

Combining Ginger and Chili ( e.g. Carolina Reaper ) together may help boost anti-cancer activity. Chemicals found in those 2 plants has an increased ability to bind to a receptor that is responsible for tumor cell growth.

Ginger And Chilli

A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry the researchers found that capsaicin- gingerol combination may help prevent cancer and both can bind to the same receptor on cells – one that is related to tumor growth.

Chilli For Cancer

Studies have shown that capsaicin can kill prostate cancer cells without damaging healthy prostate cells.

Other study discovered that capsaicin can bind to the membranes of certain tumor cells, causing the membranes to lose their integrity and break.

Ginger Kills Cancer Cells

Studies concluded that ginger can directly kill breast cancer cells, and may even kill the cancer stem cells responsible for metastasis and much of cancer mortality.

Capsaicin For Immune System

The capsaicin in chili peppers brings a pain-reducing and inflammation-easing effect in the brain, which can help people with headaches to experience relief. Chili pepper contains over 100 percent of the basic recommended daily allowance per tablespoon of vitamin C. This probably contributes to its immune system-boosting effects.

How To Eat Ginger with Chili

It’s recommended to make a cup of tea from fresh organic roots of  Ginger ( 0.8 in/ or 0.10oz/3gr of ginger powder ) and a pinch of Chili, 3 times per day for the unwell, or 1 cup of tea for prevention!

Along with proper diet, cancer is curable!

Cannabis Cancer Treatment

Cannabis Cancer Treatmetn


Although it was forbidden and stigmatized in the 20th century, Marijuana or Cannabis is again returning to the new age, because its medicinal properties are necessary for the treatment of a variety of problems of the modern man. Its medicinal properties are well known to people for centuries. Throughout history, it has played an important economic and medicinal role due to its numerous usability.

Cannabis For Cancer

“The active ingredient in marijuana cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of cancer to spread. Side effects include an increase in appetite, pain relief, and inflammation reduction.”   Dr. Wakefield at Harvard

Cannabis Cancer Research

“We started by researching breast cancer, but now we’ve found that Cannabidiol (CBD) works with many kinds of aggressive cancers – brain, prostate – any kind in which these high levels of ID-1 are present.”  –  Dr. Pierre Despre

Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells

Cannabinoids inhibit the growth of the tumor, which causes cell death, slows down the growth of cells and suppresses the blood vessels that feed the tumors while protecting normal cells.

Cannabis Oil For Cancer

Use Cannabis Oil For Cancer

Cannabis oil is recommended for the treatment of cancer because it contains the highest concentration of active ingredients.

Cannabis Oil Treatment For Cancer

For most people, it takes about 60 grams (or about 60ml) of cannabis oil/ hash oil to kill most cancers. For the average person, it will take about 90 days to ingest the full 60-gram treatment of cannabis oil. 60 gram/ml, the 90-days treatment protocol is just a recommendation and starting point. It can take longer for some patients.

How To Take Cannabis Oil

It’s recommended to start with a low dosage, by ingesting the size of a half grain of white rice, three times per day for the first week! After a week start to double the dose! After that, the dose should be doubled every four days until 1 gram or 1ml per day divided into 3 parts is ingested. Usually, it takes 30- 35 days to reach that point. Once ingesting one gram of oil per day is achieved, the dosage should continue at that rate until the cancer is gone. Some patients have increased their daily dosage to 2 grams or more!

Cannabis oil should be dosed out of an oral syringe right into empty pill capsules. This allows for the dosing to be very precise for beginners or children just starting the cannabis oil treatment. Precise dosage is important so that the “stoned” side effect can be avoided.


Propolis For Cancer


Propolis For Acne

What Is Bee Propolis

Propolis is a resinous mixture that honey bees produce by mixing saliva and beeswax, obtained from tree buds, sap flows, and other cone-producing evergreen trees. It has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years.

What Is In Propolis

Propolis contains more than 300 active compounds, capable to fight against cancer and many other conditions.

Propolis Chemotherapy

It has been shown in research to enhance the benefits of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, having a protective effect on healthy cells and an enhancing effect on chemotherapy action.

What Is Propolis Good For

It is highly effective and valued for:

  • Cancer Prevention And Cancer Treatment
  • Anti- Metastatic Activity
  • Anti-Tumour Effect
  • Free Radical Scavenging
  • DNA Protection
  • Cancer Cell Death
  • Antiviral& Anti-Yeast Activity ( Candida Albicans )
  • Gastrointestinal Problems
  • Wound Healing And Skin Infections
  • Anesthetic Activity
  • Immuno-Modulating Benefits
  • Anti- Inflammatory Effects
  • Anti- Oxidant Benefits
  • Cardiovascular Protection

Propolis And Cancer

The Journal of Dietary Supplements published the review “Emerging Adjuvant Therapy for Cancer: Propolis and it’s Constituents.”  by Dr. Seema Patel, Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics Research Center, San Diego State UniversityUSA.

This study showed propolis efficacy against cancers of brain, head, and neck, skin, breast, liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder, prostate, colon, and blood cancers.

“The inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases, anti-angiogenesis, prevention of metastasis, cell-cycle arrest, induction of apoptosis and moderation of the chemotherapy-induced deleterious side effects have been deduced as the key mechanisms of cancer manipulation. The compounds of propolis target various genetic and biochemical pathways of cancer progression. Depending on the botanical sources and the geographical origin, biological activities of propolis vary.”

Hindawi Publishing Corporation has published the review “Polyphenols as Key Players for the Antileukemic Effects of Propolis”, by Murtala B. Abubakar et al.Propolis and its phenolic contents have both been reported to exhibit antileukemic effects in various leukemia cell lines.

Propolis and its phenolic contents have both been reported to exhibit antileukemic effects in various leukemia cell lines.

Another study  Protective Effects of the Flavonoid Chrysin against Methylmercury-Induced Genotoxicity and Alterations of Antioxidant Status, In Vivo, by Eduardo Scandinari Manzolli et al, from the  University of São Paulo, Brazil, showed that flavonoids found in Propolis and honey have Protective Effect Against Oxidative Damage.

Propolis For Cancer Treatment

Bee Propolis Tincture

1 Fl Oz/ 30 ml equivalent to 0.2822oz ( 8 grams )crude propolis daily, divided into 3 doses every 8 hours, 1 hour before or after the meal! Continue this protocol for 3 weeks, then take a 1-week break! After that continue this protocol as described!

Propolis Capsules

8 caps per day ( equivalent to 0.2822 oz or 8 grams of crude propolis ), divided into 3 doses every 8 hours,  1 hour before or after the meal! Continue this protocol for 3 weeks, then take a 1-week break! After that continue this protocol as described!



4 Medicinal Mushrooms For Cancer

1. Agaricus Blazei Murill For Cancer

Photo by hermaion from Pexels


This medical mushroom contains a high level of beta-glucans, compounds that stimulate the immune system. Japan and Brazil are using this fungus in oncological therapy and is also the most popular complementary and alternative medicine used by Japan’s cancer patients. In addition to beta-glucans, the effect of the mushroom on the immune system is due to other polysaccharides, such as alpha-glucans.

A study conducted by the Medical Department of Tokyo University, The National Cancer Center Laboratory, and Tokyo College of Pharmacy showed a complete recovery in 90% of guinea pigs injected with cancer cells.

Clinical results were released at the general convention of the Japan Cancer Association in 1980, which proved that  Agaricus Blazei Murril is effective against ovarian cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, Ehrlich’s ascites carcinoma sigmoid colonic cancer, and liver cancer as well as against solid cancer.

Agaricus Blazei Murill Mushroom Cancer Dosage

  • Agaricus Blazei Capsules: 1,500-3,000mg of hot-water extract daily divided into 3 doses every 8 hours

2. Reishi Mushroom For Cancer

Image by phạm Lộc from Pixabay


What Is Reishi Mushroom

Ganoderma lucidum or Reishi is one of the most well-known medicinal mushrooms in Asia. It’s bioactive molecules and polysaccharides have been shown to better activate natural killer (NK) cells resulting in reducement of cancer metastasis.

What Is Reishi Mushroom Good For

Reishi also has the ability to slow the growth (angiogenesis) of tumors as well as triggering programmed cell death in malignant cells.

Reishi Mushroom And Cancer

Studies have shown the potential use of reishi as, at the very least, an adjunct therapy for lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colorectal cancer.

Reishi Mushroom Dosage

  • Reishi Capsules: 1000-4000 mg of hot water extract daily, divided into 3 doses every 8 hours

3. Maitake Mushroom For Cancer

Image by:


What Is Maitake Mushrooms

Maitake or Grifola frondosa contains a broad-spectrum array of bioactive molecules, similar to Reishi. Studies have shown that Maitake stimulates NK cell activity, block tumor growth and activate malignant cell death through its special immune-enhancing way.

Maitake Mushrooms Benefits

Maitake has been showing promising results for individuals with breast cancer, lung cancer, bone cancer, stomach cancer, leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS).

What Is In Maitake Mushrooms

Laboratory studies including Maitake D-Fraction (MDF), a standardized form of maitake mushroom containing grifolan — remarkable beta-glucan polysaccharide, show evidence of MDF’s therapeutic value. It exhibits anticancer activity and has the ability to block the growth of cancer tumors and boost the immune function of mice with cancer.

Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, Feb/Mar 1996 published a study involving 165 individuals with advanced cancer used MDF. This form of maitake was found effective against leukemia as well as stomach and bone cancers.

According to some other studies, Maitake has potential anti-metastatic properties inhibiting the proliferation and spread of cancer.

Maitake Mushroom Dosage

4. Turkey Tail Mushrooms For Cancer

image by Image by Rebecca L from Pixabay


What Is Turkey Tail

Coriolus Versicolor or Turkey tail has been used in Traditional Medicine for cancer, hepatitis, to treat pulmonary and upper respiratory tract infections and to increase energy.

Turkey Tail For Cancer

A Japanese company patented extracts in 1976 of this mushroom under the name PSK and later PSP. Since then they have become one of the well-recognized cancer drugs in Japan.

Turkey Tail Mushrooms Cancer Treatment

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a clinical trial for a turkey tail extract, therefore patients with advanced prostate cancer can take it in combination with conventional chemotherapy.

Turkey Tail Mushroom For Immune System

Turkey tail is a really potent immune therapy. A strong immune system can cope with chemotherapy treatment better and can fight cancer more efficiently.

Turkey Tail Mushroom Benefits

Studies and clinical trials have confirmed that PSP blocks cancer cell growth along with reducing chemo treatment side effects such as loss of appetite, vomiting, pain,… PSP can restore exhausted immune systems in cancer patients.

Turkey Tail Mushroom Cancer Study

A 2015 laboratory study showed that an extract of protein-bound polysaccharides isolated from turkey tail mushrooms significantly slowed the growth of breast cancer cells. At the same time, this extract also increased the number of blood lymphocytes.

The study showed that Trametes Versicolor extract reduced tumor weight by 36% and decreased lung metastasis by 70.8% in a mouse model of metastatic breast cancer. This extract was seen to stimulate the immune response and also protect against breast cancer-induced bone destruction after metastasis.

A study conducted by the Queensland University of Technology has shown that PSP directs the source cells of prostate cancer and prevents the formation of prostate tumors in the mouse prostate cancer model. According to the leading researcher: “In the past, other inhibitors have been shown to be up to 70% effective, but we are seeing 100% of this tumor prevented from developing with PSP. Importantly, we did not see any side effects from the treatment.” Higher efficiency can be due to the fact that while conventional therapy targets only cancerous cells, PSP destroys cancer stem cells that trigger cancer and cause it to progress. PSP treatment may completely prevent the development of a prostate tumor.

Turkey Tail Mushroom Dosage

  • Turkey Tail Capsules: 3,000-6,000 mg of hot-water extract daily,  divide into 3 doses every 8 hours

I personally recommend to anyone who would like to try to grow their medicinal mushrooms. The cultivation is very simple, but takes time! Growing kits allows us to grow mushrooms without special knowledge. I cultivated many types of medical mushrooms, with relatively little knowledge, but every time I managed to grow great quantities, thanks to these growth sets!


Wanna Learn More About Cancer? Click Here


-Click Here If You Want To Get Info About Natural Remedies For Cancer-


  1. Romano Zago. Cancer Can Be Cured. Authorhouse, 2015.
  2. Budwig, J. (1994). The oil-protein diet cookbook. Vancouver, B.C.: Apple Pub. Co.
  3. Wikipedia
  4. Anticancer Activities of Nigella Sativa (Black Cumin):
  5. Beard, John. The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer and Its Scientific Basis: Being Collected Papers Dealing with the Origin, Nature, and Scientific Treatment of the Natural Phenomenon Known as Malignant Disease. New Spring Press, 2010.
  6. Gingerol Reverses the Cancer-Promoting Effect of Capsaicin by Increased TRPV1 Level in a Urethane-Induced Lung Carcinogenic Mode:
  7. Cannabidiol as a novel inhibitor of Id-1 gene expression in aggressive breast cancer cells:
  8. Pathways mediating the effects of cannabidiol on the reduction of breast cancer cell proliferation, invasion, and metastasis:
  9. Anti-tumor activity of plant cannabinoids with emphasis on the effect of cannabidiol on human breast carcinoma:
  10. The endogenous cannabinoid anandamide inhibits human breast cancer cell proliferation:
  11. A pilot clinical study of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme:
  12. Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits epithelial growth factor-induced lung cancer cell migration in vitro as well as its growth and metastasis in vivo:
  13. Cannabidiol inhibits lung cancer cell invasion and metastasis via intercellular adhesion molecule-1:
  14. Expression of cannabinoid receptors type 1 and type 2 in non‐Hodgkin lymphoma: Growth inhibition by receptor activation:
  15. Cannabinoids inhibit cellular respiration of human oral cancer cells:
  16. Anti-tumoral action of cannabinoids on hepatocellular carcinoma: role of AMPK-dependent activation of autophagy:
  17. Emerging Adjuvant Therapy for Cancer: Propolis and its Constituents:
  18. Polyphenols as Key Players for the Antileukaemic Effects of Propolis:
  19. Protective Effects of the Flavonoid Chrysin against Methylmercury-Induced Genotoxicity and Alterations of Antioxidant Status, In Vivo:
  20. Are Apricot Kernels Toxic?:
  21. Scientists develop new cancer-killing compound from salad plant:

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